Deload Week

So what’s a deload week?

To keep it very simple, here are the three main things to know about a deload week:

  1. When?
  2. Why?
  3. How?

When? Ideally, a deload week should be taken after 6-8 weeks of being on a bulk.

Why? When lifting heavy, you overstimulate your Central Nervous System (CNS). This leads to a dip in progress and constant fatigue. So, what should you do?

How? For an entire week, reduce your training volume by half. Here are three ways to approach this:

  1. Do half the weight every workout.
  2. Do half the sets every workout.
  3. Do half the number of workouts.

I personally prefer the third approach since it allows you to still hit the gym but only half the time that week. I usually schedule this during a week of travel for my clients and myself, so we don’t feel guilty for slacking off.

Want to get MASSIVE without feeling DEAD?!

  • Hitting PRs‼️

  • Tiring AF Workouts! 💦

  • Lifestyle Change 🔁

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