Do you need to workout to lose weight?

Now coming to the age-old question- ‘dO i rEallY nEEd tO GO tO tHe gYm to lOse FaT?!’

One-word answer- No, you don’t have to.

If you’re here just for the answer then stop reading but if you want to understand why i say no- continue reading.

Let’s look at what makes you lose weight- CICO= Calories in and Calories Out/ Calories you burn > Calories you consume. (Losing fat has more parameters but that’s for another post)

Basically what you create with the above equation is a calorie deficit, and now whatever you do while trying to lose weight is trying to create that deficit-

Increasing protein intake = Increases satiety levels = Makes you feel fuller = Makes you eat lesser = Increases Deficit (Of course other than MPS- Muscle Protein Synthesis)

Exercising = Burning more calories = increases deficit

Drinking more water = Reduces Cravings = Decreases the amount of food you eat = Increases deficit

So basically, you either gotta eat less or burn more calories to achieve a deficit

Now can you burn the same amount of calories you do at the gym by going for a LONG walk every day? Yes maybe.

Can you eat less and make up for the deficit otherwise created by a workout? Yes maybe.

Can you not lift weights and burn calories through cardio and eat less and still be in a deficit? Yes maybe.

But are these sustainable? NO. NOT AT ALL.

Answer these 3 questions-

  • Do you wanna starve yourself?
  • Do you want to look skinny and malnourished?
  • Do you want to do endless amounts of cardio and get bored?

If your answer is a yes for all 3 then I’m really judging you. But also if there’s one no, then please hit the gym and lift some weights!

We all need some muscle for functioning every single day whether it’s lifting our bag or nephews/nieces or kids or climbing up a flight of stairs, a bit of extra muscle goes a longg way.

So also if you want to lift weights 3x/week, please do it, everyone will ALWAYS benefit from a bit extra muscle.

Now if you’re scared you’ll get bulky by going to the gym for a month, please tell me your routine and I’ll follow it. :P

  • Flexible Approach! 🔄

  • Tiring AF Workouts! 💦

  • Hitting PRs‼️

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